Today has been deliciously self indulgent with our family.
For some reason we weren't looking at a clock when we arrived home. Still it's pretty safe to say we have had Yoo Rim home for a day and it is like we have always had her here. Sure the puppies are not back yet. They are still at Grumpmas for a few days to allow Yoo Rim to settle in. We miss them despite distraction. There is plenty of love to share and we look forward to the introduction to a new Sister. Cousin Riley has done a great jobs showing the benefit of a baby in the house, particularly in the vicinity of the high chair.
We are still not sure when to begin calling her Amelie. Yes we have slipped in a few already, but she settles to taps on the tummy or back with calls of her name "Yoo Rim Ah". Much of what she has done so far is sleep. This is similar to other children from Korea. They too slept a great deal for the first few days.
Life has been pretty tough for the little girl of late and there have been some tears. For one thing, she is having to learn to cry in two languages. For another, she is having a task to break in two new parents so they feed, bathe, dress and change nappies just right.
Still on the plus Dad has a great shoulder to fall asleep on and that Mummy creature comes back into the room when I cry. Omma keeps making me delicious food like rice porridge with vegies and chicken that I gobble up with gusto. If I keep this up, they may make good parents after all. Gotta love that!
For those that need to know, Dad won the first poopy nappy lottery! And he had been avoiding this sort of thing for so long. The smiles when we do the bouncy jumps make up for any unpleasantness along the way.
We remain so grateful to everyone who met us at the Airport on Sunday and to those who have provided advice, support and love during the whole process. It is now we truly feel exceptionally lucky to be entrusted with a beautiful daughter.
A special thanks to Aunty Amanda for making labels for Cousins, Aunts, and Grandparents in Korean Hangul. Yoo Rim knew exactly what kind of mad people her new families are.
Bill, Liz and Amelie Yoo Rim
1 comment:
kyeonghoWelcome home baby Amelie (and her new mummy and daddy). It was such a priviledge to be at the airport to welcome you all home. Your daughter is beautiful and you all look so happy. We wish you lots of happy times with your new family and look forward to watching our daughters grow up together. Lots of love from Michelle (that bad shopping influence), Brendan, Sam & Miss Lily.
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