Sunday, March 30, 2008

Now we've done it!!!!

Wow, what an experience. Yoo Rim is gorgeous and was fascinated with everything around her. She didn't even scream at Dad's beard or when picked up by Mom.

It is literally only 30 mins since we left Yoo Rim and her Foster Mother, Mrs Lim. It is so difficult to describe how we feel right now. Mrs Lim was beautiful and she has taken grat care of Yoo Rim. She is her 7th foster child. The experience shows. Yoo Rim is a very healthy baby.

Here are few pics to say what we can't. See below the comments.


Ooma & Aba.


Jacinta Stewart said...

Hi Lizzie & Bill, that's one of the most beautiful family portraits I have seen in a long while (just a sec while I get a tissue or two...). Your daughter is already a heart stealer! Have fun getting to know her. Love from us all, Jacinta, Ken , Bec & Michelle x

Dennisfamilyof4 said...

Hi Bill & Liz,
It was great to see your photos, and read of your journey.
I'm homesick for Korea already!
I'm so glad you had a wonderful meeting with Amelie.
Enjoy being tourists!!
love Michelle, Brendan, Sam and Lily

Lindy said...

Hi Liz and Bill

The two of you are just beaming!
So lovely to see you with your gorgeous girl in your arms :)
Enjoy every minute of your adventures in Korea
Regards Lindy