Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Backin Tourist mode

We are beginning to believe that Seoul is Australian for Melbourne. Yesterday (Tuesday) was a balmy warmish day arount 20c. Today it's back to winter with 8c and rain. This is great for today we head to Pyeontek where Eastern Social Welfare have another facility with Rehab centre, orphanage, sheltered workshop and more. We are curious to see this side of the good work ESWS does.

The highlight of Monday, apart from meeting our daughter was meeting the two Dr Kims. It was a great honour to meet Dr Kim Sr. Anyone who has met him will know what we mean. At 94 in Korean age, he is still taking time to meet as many adoptive parents as possible. Young Dr Kim is a very elegant woman who was so personable and eloquent. She showed great interest in all adoptive families and friends/support that cam with them. Dr Kim Sr has certainly chosen succession well.

As for the REst of our time.

Monday after Meeting Yoo Rim :), we transferred to Hotel Prince asa we cannot have accomodation at Eastern until Sunday. Monday had us floating in a dream around Namdaemun market and after dinner we went to see the Nanta Theatre, talk about a silly, loud and fun cooking? show.
Tuesday we walked to City Station to visit Korea Torist Information to plan weekend travel to the South. Following this we went to the War Memorial, a most impressive building in grandeur and content. It was fascinating to learn something about the history of Korea and see how this country has grown since the Korean War. Following this we went to Itaaewon market. It was dissapointing to have it live up to reputaion of being the American market. Everywhere we went we were confronted by shop staff trying to drag us into their store. No I didn't buy a suit or a ring for the lady.
On our way home we returend via Myeong-Dong for a very late lunch. Our rule of eating only Korean is paying off. We look for a restaurant that is full of locals figuring that the food must be good there. So far this is true but it takes us half an hour to read the menu in Hangul (Korean writing). After a rest we went to the Seoul, Namsan, Tower. Taking Michelle's advice just before dusk we enjoyed the view in both day and night time. Whilst in the tower we had our sketch made by this naff computer artist. Cute and fun. A highlight was a laser light show at the base culminating in a flame projected up the body of the tower. It put the Olympic torch to shame. Children played amongst the dancing lights and I'm sure the parents were glad it wasn't the water as with the fountains outside Melbourne Casino. Still no shopping. We figure that can wait till we have a base back at Eastern. Can't help but plan as we look at markets and shops though!


muvva said...

Hi Bill and Liz,
Enough fo the tourist things we want to see more of Amelie Yoo-Rim please.
So glad you both are enjoying yourselves, hope that you are bonding well with Amelie. Riely send her lots of love and kisses as do Terry, Phillip and Cassie
Look forward to your arrival home
Grandma and Grandad

muvva said...

it is actually wednesday here at the moment, and the time is 4:10pm and not tuesday 10:05pm