Monday, April 7, 2008

Finally a Quiet day????

Apologies for cutting off the last post before pics could be added. ESWS is quite busy and the business centre was required to allow baby introductions. They didn't ask us to leave but we thought it only polite to allow the parents to meet their little one in private.

After the weekend, we thought to have a relatively quiet day. AM had us heading to the Yongsan Market. This is the technology market. On the whole pretty disappointing. Prices not much different to Australia in general and much of the technology was a little behind too. If you didn't want the latest items such as old model digital slr's were pretty cheap but who wants the old stuff? Instead of buying toys we visited the bookshop in the same building as the main technology market and department store. Possibly not quite as big as Kyobo book store but there was some stuff different to Kyobo so it complimented kids books. We bought some books and toys before heading back to ESWS for a quick sopping drop off.

Around 5pm we headed out to have a look at Lotte World sans kids. This meant we did not have to go in, having the chance to look from the outside. Monday night is a good time to go. Not too many people about so the queues for rides were not great. Liz had fun watching the ice-skating. All the pretty girls in pretty costumes practicing their figureskating in the middle. Young boys practicing and being coached for their speed skating in the inner ring. All in their "team" colour outfits. They had the style too, just like the Olympic skaters. They were faster than the Australian dodgem skaters too. Then on the outside section all the "plebs". The members of the public not dressed in the appropriate skating attire or too old/big to be allowed into the special lanes. All good fun to watch.

We finally broke the code to find auto tellers that allow big withdrawls. Most only allow 300,000 but if you find the machines in the big hotels, these machines will allow up to 700,000 withdrawls on international savings acounts. This is valuable knowledge if you want to save the $8.00 fee per international transaction.

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