Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tourist Mode..... but not for long!

Today was relatively quiet for us as it was election day and as such a public holiday. Most businesses and institutions had a day off but the markets were in full swing.

We visited Gyeonbokung Palace and were very surprised by what was on offer. Our arrival coincided with one of the changing of the guard ceremonies for the day. If you think the English go OTT, the korean equivalent is every bit as interesting and ceremonial. There was commentary provided in four languages and a big noisy barrel drum which sounded unexpectedly as I filmed the events. The resulting chorus penetrated the body as the low level shock wave emanated from the percussion of the hammer.

The admission included both the Gyeobukung Museum and the National Folk Museum. The folk museum far exceeded expectations and was most enjoyable. It traced cultural life back to the stone age and included themes of cultural dress (hanbok) through the ages as well as food, music and art. The other museum concentrated on life of the royal court with perhaps the royal vintage cars, a Limosne and a Daimler being most impressive (much better than Grumpas Model-T).

Bill would have been interviewed by at least 10 student groups, both high school and university. Their homework was obviously to meet tourists and interview them in order to practice their English. Most were quite fun and I am so pleased to have Echidna Walkabout (My Bosses Art work) postcards. Often gifts were exchanged and all the students were thrilled to learn that my job involves taking tourists to see Koalas and Kangaroos in the wild. They were keen to learn that the site had video of Janine (one of my Bosses) and it was somewhere the children could go to learn about Australian wildlife. Who knows Janine...... I could be drumming up future work!

Despite afternoon showers we ventured through Insadon for a second time. Perhaps it is because we are in Korea mode for today this was much fun and relaxing. Some scroll art was purchased, followed by dinner at a traditional Korean Restaurant in one of the side Alleys. Fish was ordered after the waiter used the dictionary on his mobile phone to translate the Hangul menu. He was most helpful and entertaining.

We finished the day contemplating or return with Yoo Rim. It is so hard to believe that in three days we will be making our way home with a beautiful daughter and, probably, enjoying a wakeful night flight home..... It will be worth everymoment.


Unknown said...

Hi Bill and Liz,
What a gorgeous little bundle your daughter is. Glad to hear that all is going well and you must be very excited about your trip home as a family. Cant wait to see some photos when you get back.
Belinda and Keith

fiona said...

Great news Liz and Bill. Lovely to see your photos and hear your news.
Fiona ( from Canada)