Thursday, April 10, 2008

This little Piggy went to markets......

Not much to report today except we....... Liz went shopping. I'm not saying she bought much, but when we left Namdaemun Market, people were throwing ticker tape and confetti, whilst singing songs in our praise. I'm sure we have single handedly saved the Korean economy by purchasing at least one of everything in the country.

Our collection of Hanbok has been completed by a four year old size in PINK. Yep the man who said he would ban the colour in his house has allowed the purchase of a completely PINK Hanbok for a four year old. I can only hope this cures her. Actually it was a sucessful catch by the store holder. We weren't that interested but as we walked away the price fell from 55,000 to 45 to 38,000 and those sad puppy eyes probably helped.

A short trip to Itaewon followed to collect pendants for Omma (mum) and Yoo Rim ordered last week. Of course the store holder was at lunch so we had ours too at a nearby restaurant to pass time until her return. Ribs were on the menu and even Liz did the stuff the whole thing in your mouth trick according to Korean custom.

Our last visit was to Kyobo Book Shop to finalise books and DVD's. Whilst there we were yet again accosted by Uni students practising English for homework and a Korean man who had spent time in the US. His wife is teaching English for work and his children are learning both Korean and English in their childhood. We discussed learning the language and his tip is that the Korean Embassy will provide materials to people such as adoptive families to help learn Korean.

Highlight of the day ..... Jane, the book about the Mole with a huge loggie on is head is available in Korean too if you want it.

I think we have done all the shopping planned, so Friday....... the final day of life as we know it will probably be a much more casual affair.


Glenn Q said...

You can get a Korean language version of "The little mole who knew it was none of his business"?

Man, that book is a blast!

P.S. Billy, stop blaming Lizzie for spending all the money at the markets. We know you can match it with her in the credit card stakes. Boat anyone?

Have a safe trip home with your beautiful daughter and Kes and I look forward to seeing you all when you get back.

Dennisfamilyof4 said...

Hi Bill and Liz,
Fantastic shopping guys! You make me so proud! Can't wait to compare all our purchases! Do you think we had better wait a couple of years before we head back to Korea so the markets can restock?
Have a wonderful trip home with your new daughter. We will be thinking of you tomorrow (Sat)!
love Michelle, Brendan, Sam and Lily.

kaden loves Amelie said...

i can't wait till i see the new Reddick family member Amelie im picturing in my head making Amelie laugh and making her smile and babysitting Amelie and you after the early mornings

love kaden who thinks that Amelie fits into the family perfectly