Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pyongtaek & Jacobs Home

Wednesday was spent visiting ESWS's facility at Pyongtaek. We visited Jacob's Home, where most of the children were not too shy to insist on plenty of cuddles... not that we weren't looking for them either. We went into Esthers Home, for unwed mothers- they were busy quilting little booties. Then we were shown around the grounds- the sun came out, and we walked past the playground, and down past the pear orchard.
After we had spent an hour or 2 there, our driver offered to take us to the Korean Folk village on the way home. So we were lucky enough to spend a couple of hours exploring the recreated, and relocated housing from different eras. There were also an arrray of traditional craftspeople- blacksmith, woodworkers, papermaker/ calligrapher, potters, apothecary. It was much like a Sovereign Hill experience, also quite well done.
In the evening we hit the markets... or should I say we weren't quite sure what hit us at Dongdaemun market. We didn't quite find the entrance that looked like your map, Michelle, maybe it will all appear clearer in the daytime. We floated around and through & up & down for a while, and found ourselves a good warm late meal.
Today we had a couple of hours before getting ourselves back to Eastern. This time we hit Namdaemun market with confidence -and even did some shopping- found the 9 section dish without any difficulty.
we now have 15mins to go until we meet with Amelie again.
Then tonight we are heading south to Gyeonju, Jinja, sand Haeinsa, for 3-4 days- so we may not get to post anything for a few days. ? Monday.
Catch you all later.
PS Mary- if there is anything you would like us to buy, we will be sending a package home, so just send an email to our home address- with any description. Its always good to spend someone elses money!
PS can someone email Charles' home address to our home email also.

1 comment:

am said...

Liz, Bill and Amalie
What an awsome family you are! Thank you for sharing this special journey with us all.

love Anne-Marie et al